User Research

Homepage validation
Click the play button to see in action


To evaluate the comprehension of the brand proposition based on participants' swiftness to identify the breadth of our offering.


We tested these messages as content pieces. Participants were positive of the experience having them implemented as part of the content.



4   Participants preferred test
2   Participants preferred control


Participant 4:

“This one gives me cleaner impression”

Participant 5:

“I prefer this, as I wouldn’t say I could buy much from the other”

Participant 1:

“I am obviously noticing the difference, this bit (delivery) - is very important”

Participant 3:

“I like animation opposed to no animation”

Participant 2:

“This gives me more what I want. I can buy a magazine, but online I want information”

Participant 3:

“It's different kind of information. It has 'comming soon', lines available now, I like the fact I get delivery information, especially for last time minute shoppers”
How the test looked like
(Higher Priority)
(Lower Priority)

Global Messaging

I like the information popping up telling what's going on, what's happening. It could trigger my curiosity to think what it could be and go finding out more.

Participant 1:

“I can see this 3 New Designers thing, but I normally look at what's new in the top nav.”

Participant 3:

“I quite like the
information popping up
to say what's new.”

Participant 5:

“Gucci collaboration just
jumped at me.”

Delivery Message

I have a very busy life and all I want is hustle-free shopping. Quite often I order few sizes, that's why convenient delivery and returns is crucial for me.

(Click to play the video)

Participant 1:

“For my needs this is the most important. Even if it’s a wedding or an occasion, I’ll want to try more than one.”

Participant 2:

“And I also can get it quickly as I have an event tomorrow.”

Service Messaging

24/7 Assistance
Loyalty Programme

Getting the assistance is sort of important, but you sort of expect it.
I'd be interested in Loyalty Programme as I am a big online shopper.

(Click to play the video)


Participant 1:

“Loyalty Programme is quite interesting to me.”

Participant 2:

“I want to know about
delivery, I quite like pretty packaging – that’s useful.
Loyalty – I possibly would
get into that. ”

Participant 1:

“Getting the assistance is
sort of important, but you
sort of expect it.”

Participant 3:

“I think this is flipping quite quickly as well.”

Style Advice

Even though I'm quite classic in my fashion, sometimes I'm being coaxed out of my usual style. Style advice could be useful if I'm not sure something I'm going to buy is appropriate for a certain situation.

Participant 3:

“If I were traveling to some destination and would get an advice to use a particular
product while going there,
I'd probably buy it.”

Participant 2:

“I quite like when they tell
how you could match items, especially if I'm not sure
what occasion the
item is for.”

Participant 2:

“It's got expert advice,
I do sometimes value
their comments.”

High Level Consideration

Many online retailers display core service messaging at the beginning or end of the experience. As a part of evolving our customer base, the brand offers a wider range of benefits which large percentage of new and existing customers are unaware of. By blending this into our editorial and merchandising content we aim to create awareness and conversion in to our brand proposition.